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Nusakita For Indonesia

Derived from the best processed products on our earth, through various processes to get each of the best products. Nusakita is being made for us.

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Nusakita Nusakita Cooking Oil

Nusakita premium  cooking oil is produced from selected palm fruit sent directly from various regions of the Motherland and is produced through modern refining technology followed by the best quality control to ensure premium quality. Nusakita premium cooking oil is the largest business segment (80%) for PT Perkebunan Nusantara  so there is no doubt about its quality assurance. There are so many types of oil on the market that people have to choose wisely. The selection of superior seeds of good quality from the start followed by a certified production process makes Nusakita premium cooking oil superior among other cooking oils.


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Get Quality Products Only at Nusakita

Nusakita give attention to the details of each of the products, from the planting process, harvesting process  and package the products with a good and safe packaging. Nusakita promises everyone satisfaction of purchase, giving everyone the opportunity to be able to enjoy the best products from our earth.

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